Flora & Thomas


This was a very special wedding all the way up in Angus. Flora and Thomas got married at Flora’s parents home in Fettercairn where they had a beautiful marquee in a field near a lovely little pond. Flora loved our ethos to use seasonal homegrown flowers from our garden in Perth. We used nigella, ranunculus, echinops, and astrantia in Flora’s bouquet. The flower girl crowns were made to match their pretty blue ribbons, and the buttonholes to match the burgundy and cornflower blue colours in Flo’s bouquet.We made flower trees, suspending flower rings and vase arrangements to fill up the marquee – bringing the outside inside. The couple got engaged in South Africa so there were toy animals spray painted gold for name places and famous children’s books as table names – such as Wind and the Willows. Such a fun wedding! 

Photographs by Donna Murray

Marquee Sam Thomas 

Food Country Flavours

Videographer Apricot Tree Weddings 

Adelaide KnottComment